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Welcome to the Henry Spink Foundation

Is your child different?

The Henry Spink Foundation is an independent charity created to help families of children with severe disabilities of all kinds. We provide information on conventional and complementary/ alternative medicine, therapies and research relating to a very wide range of physical and mental disorders.

We gather information from practitioners, specialists, associations and centres of excellence all over the world in order to provide detailed information from our database. Particularly focussing on children, the Foundation also helps adults.

This site is for you if your child or someone you know has a disability, rare disorder, chronic syndrome, behavioural problem or chemical imbalance. Whether the problem is recently diagnosed, or has long been identified, we may be able to help with information about current treatment, research and therapies. Check About Us for more detailed information about the background of the Henry Spink

Foundation; the Information Centre page will tell you about the very diverse range of subjects we cover. Checklist is a useful guide to points worth considering before embarking on a new treatment or therapy.

This site is also for those professionally engaged in research and treatment who would like to add to our database - please see Update Us for a description of our database and how to add to it. We would also like to hear personal experiences and recommendations of conventional and complementary/alternative therapies and centres of excellence.
